Stage 1

Preliminary research on sol-gel spin coating, dip coating synthesis routes and complex characterization of IV-VI quantum dots (QDs)-doped inorganic films. Preliminary research on non-contact optical temperature detection systems. Integrated devices.


1. Preliminary research on sol-gel spin coating synthesis route and characterization methods (optical, structural, morphological) of QDs PbS and, respectively, PbSe-doped inorganic films.

2. Preliminary research on sol-gel dip coating synthesis route and characterization methods (optical, structural, morphological) of QDs PbS and, respectively, PbSe-doped inorganic films.

3. Preliminary research on non-contact optical temperature detection systems.

4. Preliminary research on integration of non-contact optical temperature detection devices. The activities developed in the frame of the STAGE I/2020 are reported in the frame of the STAGE II/2021


1. Documentation related to sol-gel spin coating synthesis route and characterization methods (optical, structural, morphological) of QDs PbS and, respectively, PbSe-doped inorganic films.

2. Documentation related to sol-gel dip coating synthesis route and characterization methods (optical, structural, morphological) of QDs PbS and, respectively, PbSe-doped inorganic films.

3. Documentation related to non-contact optical temperature detection systems.

4. Documentation related to the integration of non-contact optical temperature detection devices